Saturday, April 13, 2013

i In my blind world part 2

My husband helped so much. He marked the mircrowave, washer and dryer, helped organized my clothes, put groceries in certain places, and helped me count steps to get to and from the apartment to the car,along with being my sighted guide when we were in unformiliar places. I also can not forget my family ( this is includes Chanel and Crystal), they did everything they could to make my life easier. They acted as sighted guides for me. told me were my food was on my plate along with were my drink was so I wouldn't knock it over looking for it. My blessed daddy even told me how many steps i was coming up to. I could not have funtioned as well I did without my husband, family and friends.
Over the next few years I settled into a routine. Therapy appointments, spending time with family, yet there was this huge void in my life. I needed more. I could do so much more, I knew I could. Finally one day my mother-in-law gave me a number that was given to her by my sister-in-law that would change my life forever. It was the number for a vocational rehabilitation counsalor who shall be named T.  I had no idea what I was in for but I was ready. During our first encounter she mentioned this programmed called Bosma. Little did I know this program would forever change my life. Instantly I was intrigued. I knew I just HAD to attend this program. My anxiety and self-harming were an isuue so I worked hardert than ever to get them under control and I can proudly say as of this date I am 6 months and 13 days clean from self-harm. I arrived at Bosma for my first day of class on February 4, 2013. From that day forward it has been nothing but a blessing and learning. I have some of the best instructors a person could ask for and have made some of the best friends. Finally I felt at home in a place where people knew how I felt and knew what I was going through.   I found my love of Braille and have decided that I want to go back to college and become a Vision Rehabilitaion Therapist just like my favorite instructor who shall be named K (sorry to all my other instructors, i love you all and you have all touched my life in different ways). We have decided to relocate to Indianapolis and I can't wait to see what all is in store for me.  I can honestly say this is the happiest I have been in the past 3 years. Through all the craziness I am finally where I need to be.